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Xi, Macron preface exhibition of China's Tang Dynasty in France

Source: Xinhua | 2024-11-19
Xi, Macron preface exhibition of China's Tang Dynasty in France

BEIJING, Nov. 19 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping and French President Emmanuel Macron have respectively prefaced an exhibition titled "Tang China -- A Cosmopolitan Dynasty (7th-10th Century)," which was inaugurated Monday at France's Guimet National Museum of Asian Arts.

Noting that this year marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and France, Xi said the two countries reached an agreement to hold an exhibition of Tang Dynasty artifacts at the Guimet Museum during his visit to France in May.

Xi said he is very happy to see the exhibition open as scheduled, thanks to the joint efforts of cultural relics experts from both countries.

Xi depicted the Tang Dynasty as one of the most prosperous dynasties in Chinese history, characterized by a dynamic economy, flourishing culture, intellectual inclusivity, remarkable artistic achievements and ethnic integration, with its cultural influence extending across Asia and reaching Europe through the Silk Road. The dynasty's artistic achievements, such as poetry, painting, and gold and silver ware, are still admired by people today, he added.

Xi voiced confidence that this exhibition will help the French and other European audiences gain a more vivid understanding of the brilliant, open and confident atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty and experience the unique charm of Chinese civilization. Both the Chinese and French nations boast a long history and a splendid culture. The two peoples have a long history of mutual appreciation and admiration with friendly exchanges dating back to ancient times, he said.

Xi called for seeking inspiration from history and culture so as to deepen people-to-people exchanges and mutual learning, and enhance cooperation in cultural heritage protection. Should each treasure what of its own is beautiful, what is different but beautiful can be shared, he said, calling for integrating historical sentiments and contemporary spirits into Chinese-French friendship and working for a more solid and vibrant China-France comprehensive strategic partnership.

For his part, Macron said that to celebrate the 60th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations, and the Year of Culture and Tourism, the Guimet Museum will hold a grand exhibition of Tang Dynasty artifacts.

The Tang Dynasty holds a special position in the history of Chinese civilization, known for its brilliant culture and incredible creative vitality. And it witnessed active foreign exchanges through the Silk Road, producing a stunning array of artistic treasures, he added.

This historically significant exhibition once again highlights the dynamic cultural exchanges between France and China, which will continue to play an important role in growing bilateral relations, he said.

The exhibition, directed by China's National Cultural Heritage Administration and the French Ministry of Culture, showcases over 200 pieces or sets of exquisite artifacts from 32 cultural and museum institutions in 10 provincial-level regions and cities in China. 


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