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Latest Chinese report reveals continued US disruption of global trade

Source: Xinhua | 2024-09-13
Latest Chinese report reveals continued US disruption of global trade

BEIJING, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- A report released Thursday by China's Ministry of Commerce expresses concerns over actions by the United States, such as disrupting the multilateral trading system, engaging in unilateral trade bullying, and manipulating industrial policies via the application of double standards.

The report, which evaluates U.S. compliance with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, is the latest in a series that began in August 2023.

Now, more than a year since the first issue was published, the United States continues to politicize and weaponize economic and trade issues, still engages in economic coercion, and persists in falsely accusing China of overcapacity, said a ministry official.

Under the pretext of de-risking, the United States has persevered in abusing tariff measures and escalating unilateral sanctions, thereby posing severe challenges to the multilateral trading system and seriously harming the common interests of WTO members, the official added.

The official expressed hope that the release of the latest report will pressure the United States to rectify its wrongdoings, fulfill its commitments, abide by the rules, and carry out its duties as a major member of the WTO.

Additionally, the United States should work with other members, including China, to strengthen the role of the multilateral trading system in global governance, the official said.