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China expresses appreciation to Indian side for helping injured mariner: spokesperson

Source: Xinhua | 2024-08-02
China expresses appreciation to Indian side for helping injured mariner: spokesperson

BEIJING, Aug. 1 (Xinhua) -- Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian on Thursday expressed China's appreciation to relevant Indian departments and personnel who had recently assisted an accidentally injured Chinese mariner.

Lin made the remarks at a daily press briefing when asked to comment on an incident which saw the Indian Navy and Coast Guard rescuing a Chinese mariner off Mumbai coast.

Noting that the Chinese mariner was accidentally injured when operating on a ship off Mumbai coast, Lin said that the Indian side swiftly came to his rescue and provided him with timely medical treatment.

Currently, the mariner is in stable condition and recovering back in China, Lin added.

The Chinese side expresses its heartfelt appreciation to all the departments and personnel of the Indian side who overcame the challenging conditions on the scene and successfully carried out this humanitarian rescue operation, said the spokesperson.