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China's top political advisory body strongly opposes US signing of Xizang-related act

Source: Xinhua | 2024-07-14
China's top political advisory body strongly opposes US signing of Xizang-related act

BEIJING, July 13 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee on Saturday expressed strong indignation at and firm opposition to the United States on its signing into law of the so-called "Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act."

At a symposium held Saturday, members of the Committee of Ethnic and Religious Affairs of the CPPCC National Committee slammed the act as full of extremely erroneous views and provocative remarks, adding that it was blatant interference in China's internal affairs under the guise of "ethnicity," "religion" and "human rights."

The act fully exposes the United States' sinister intention of interfering in China's internal affairs and containing China's peaceful development, the committee members said, describing the act as a serious betrayal of the U.S. government's commitment to acknowledging that Xizang is part of China and not supporting "Tibet independence."

They said Xizang has been an inseparable part of China since ancient times and the people of the Tibetan ethnic group are members of the Chinese nation. This is a fact recognized by the world and will not change at anytime, they added.

Since ancient times, Xizang has forged unbreakable bonds with the rest of China in geographical, consanguineal, political, economic and cultural terms, they said.

The U.S. side and the Dalai clique audaciously distorts history and brazenly denies the fact of China's sovereignty over Xizang. This is a typical act of U.S.-style bullying, they added.

In the 65 years since the democratic reform in Xizang, great historic changes have taken place, they said, adding that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012, Xizang has entered a period of best development and greatest changes, during which the people have benefited the most.

China is a unified multi-ethnic and multi-religious country. China has maintained ethnic unity, religious harmony and social stability for years, which prove that its policies on ethnic and religious affairs are completely correct, they said.

Tibetan Buddhism has a glorious tradition of patriotism and has a complete set of religious rituals and historical norms governing the reincarnation of Living Buddhas that has been respected and upheld by the Tibetan Buddhist community, the committee members said.

The Chinese government implements the policy of freedom of religious belief, respects and protects religious traditions, and manages religious affairs in accordance with the law, rendering U.S. interference completely unwarranted, they said.

The process of building a new, modern socialist Xizang that is united, prosperous, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful is unstoppable by any force, they added.