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SCO soars higher: China and Belarus partner for peace and new horizons

Source: CGTN | 2024-07-05
SCO soars higher: China and Belarus partner for peace and new horizons

Editor's note: The world is entering a new period of turbulence and change, with issues of concern emerging one after another worldwide. Against this backdrop, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization maintains its position as a comprehensive cooperation grouping which contributes to regional development, peace and stability. With this year's SCO summit being held in Astana, Kazakhstan, on July 3-4, our special series of articles, "Shanghai Spirit in a Chaotic World," looks at the SCO from different perspectives. Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights on events shaping today's world.

By Xie Xiaoyong

CGTN: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), established in 2001, has had a growing membership. With Belarus completing its accession and becoming the 10th member state of the organization at the SCO Astana summit in July, what message does this send to the international community, and how might it influence the global geopolitical landscape?

Xie Xiaoyong: Belarus became a dialogue partner of the SCO in 2009 and attained observer status in 2015. Its recent formal accession at the Astana summit is warmly welcomed by China. This development reflects the SCO's expanding influence and growing appeal.

To begin with, the SCO's influence and attractiveness are on the rise. Over the past 23 years, the organization has seen multiple rounds of expansion. Today, SCO member states represent over 40 percent of the world's population and cover more than a quarter of the global landmass, with a combined gross domestic product (GDP) accounting for nearly a quarter of the world's total. Belarus' accession to the SCO enriches the diversity of the organization. The desire of many countries to join the SCO underscores the resonance of its principles and the broad optimism for its prospects.

Additionally, the SCO is an open and inclusive "big family," not a closed, exclusive "small clique." The SCO champions the "Shanghai Spirit" which features mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations and pursuit of common development. It embraces other like-minded international partners on this basis. Committed to the principle of equality among countries, regardless of size, and consensus-based decision-making, the SCO contributes significantly to the formation of a new type of international relations and a global community of shared future. This stands in stark contrast to the hegemonic and exclusionary practices of some countries.

Furthermore, the SCO will play a greater role in promoting regional and global peace, stability and development. As a multilateral cooperation framework primarily comprising emerging markets and developing countries, the SCO is a vital platform for the solidarity and cooperation of emerging powers in today's world. It is a progressive force for maintaining global peace, stability, and international fairness and justice. The expansion of the SCO will help all parties practice genuine multilateralism, gather broader international consensus and cooperation, add stability to the complex international situation, contribute SCO wisdom to improving global governance, and facilitate long-term peace and common prosperity in Eurasia and the world.

CGTN: China and Belarus established formal diplomatic ties in 1992, marking 32 years of bilateral relations in 2024. In 2022, the two heads of state jointly announced the establishment of an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Belarus. As China's Ambassador to Belarus, how do you envision the two countries cooperating within the SCO framework?

Xie Xiaoyong: Comprehensive cooperation within multilateral frameworks such as the SCO is a natural extension of the all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Belarus. Over the past 15 years, as a dialogue partner and observer state of the SCO, Belarus has engaged in rich and diversified cooperation with China and other partners. Now, as a full member, Belarus will open up new avenues for Sino-Belarusian cooperation in at least three areas.

In the first place, it creates opportunities to deepen cooperation brought by the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The BRI aligns closely with the SCO's core principles, key regions and areas of cooperation. China regards Belarus as an important cooperation partner in the joint construction of the BRI. As we enter the second golden decade of Belt and Road cooperation, Belarus' official accession to the SCO is significant. China and Belarus can leverage various SCO cooperation documents and mechanisms to tap more areas of growth in trade, investment, infrastructure, customs collaboration, digital economy, technological innovation, and more, thereby generating more development opportunities and benefiting more people.

Moreover, it represents a leverage for strengthening security cooperation. China and Belarus hold similar or close positions on security issues. Belarus' official entry into the SCO will help the two countries synergize efforts to support each other in safeguarding security and development interests, preventing color revolutions, and countering external interference in internal affairs. This will also facilitate implementing the Global Security Initiative among SCO member states, contributing more significantly to regional security and stability.

Also, it bolsters cultural and people-to-people ties. Cultural exchange is a vital component of SCO cooperation. With Belarus' formal accession, China and Belarus can amplify the valuable experiences of bilateral cooperation, promoting SCO initiatives such as youth camps, women's forums, people-to-people friendship forums, traditional medicine forums, and cultural cooperation under the SCO's Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation Commission. This will enhance exchanges in culture, education, science, health, sports, women, youth, tourism, media, and more, solidifying the social and public support for long-lasting friendship among member states.

CGTN: Prior to your role as Chinese Ambassador to Belarus, you served as deputy secretary-general of the SCO from August 2018 to August 2020. With Belarus now a full member of the SCO, what role do you anticipate the organization will play in bolstering regional security?

Xie Xiaoyong: The SCO originated from security cooperation, and its core mission, as stipulated in its founding declaration and charter, is to maintain and enhance regional peace, security, and stability. Through 23 years of collective effort, the SCO has become a shield of security, a bridge of cooperation, a bond of friendship, and a constructive force in the region. As the "family" grows, the SCO will play an even greater role in strengthening regional security.

The long-term good-neighborliness and friendship among member states significantly contribute to regional peace and stability. Belarus has already joined the Treaty on Long-term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship, and Cooperation between the SCO Member States. This commitment, backed by both documentation and years of practice, demonstrates that SCO member states can uphold the vision of forging enduring friendship and peace, respect each other's core interests and choice of development paths, and support each other in achieving peace, stability, development and rejuvenation. Given the economic and demographic weight of SCO member states, this is immensely significant.

Belarus' accession will invigorate member states' collective efforts to address traditional security threats and challenges. As the SCO's strength grows, members will further deepen exchanges in strategies, defense, law enforcement, information technology and biosecurity fields, expanding cooperation in combating terrorism, separatism, extremism, drug trafficking, illicit firearms trafficking, and other transnational crimes. This will strengthen the institutional and legal framework of member states' security cooperation, thereby collectively fortifying regional security.

The SCO will gather more consensus in tackling non-traditional security challenges. Post-accession, Belarus will collaborate with other member states on issues like maintaining international energy and food security, addressing climate change, protecting and leveraging biodiversity, and ensuring supply chain security and stability. This will help pool greater strength to address global non-traditional security threats.

Xie Xiaoyong is the ambassador of China to Belarus.


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