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3rd Wanshou Dialogue on Global Security calls for peaceful settlement of disputes

Source: Xinhua | 2024-06-06
3rd Wanshou Dialogue on Global Security calls for peaceful settlement of disputes

BEIJING, June 5 (Xinhua) -- The third Wanshou Dialogue on Global Security kicked off on Wednesday in Beijing, with more than 60 international security experts from over 20 countries and international organizations in attendance.

Liu Jianchao, head of the International Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, delivered a keynote speech at the meeting, saying that to inject more certainty and stability into world peace, countries need to foster a vision of common security, uphold the principles of openness and inclusiveness, strengthen solidarity and coordination, and adhere to dialogue and consultation.

He said that China will work with all people and countries that value peace and are committed to development to build a bright future of lasting peace and common security.

Foreign guests at the meeting spoke highly of the Global Security Initiative, calling for the peaceful settlement of international disputes and promoting the realization of lasting peace and common security.

The third Wanshou Dialogue on Global Security was organized by the Chinese People's Association for Peace and Disarmament. 


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