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Israel ostracizing itself from global community

Source: China Daily | 2024-05-24
Israel ostracizing itself from global community

This is an editorial from China Daily.

After the UN General Assembly passed a resolution on May 10 reaffirming the right of the Palestinians to self-determination and statehood, with an overwhelming vote of 143 in favor and 9 against, the international consensus that a Palestine people's state should be recognized could not be more evident.

Even the United States, which voted against the resolution, had to explain shortly after that its "vote does not reflect opposition to Palestinian statehood" and claim that it supports it and seeks "to advance it meaningfully".

Thus when Norway, Ireland and Spain announced they recognized the Palestinian state on Wednesday, saying they believe it is "the best way to achieve lasting peace in the Middle East", they stepped forward to stand on the right side of history.

Israel's response to the move has been to recall its ambassadors from the three countries. That might be precipitous because it may prompt other members of the international community to choose sides and, given the UN General Assembly vote, that choice is unlikely to be in Israel's favor.

The latest round of the Israel-Palestine conflict has stirred the conscience of people around the world. Under the influence of domestic public opinion shocked by the brutality of Israel's response to the Hamas-led attacks on Israel on Oct 7, it's natural that nations should finally acknowledge Israel's decades-long subjugation of the Palestinians, which doesn't mean any denial of the state of Israel or the Israeli people's own right to security.

The Benjamin Netanyahu administration has been called "the most right-wing government in Israel's history", as it is in the thrall of ultranationalist and extreme religious elements. If it pressures nations, it will only put itself further in debt to Washington for the latter's support, which is factored on it acting as its proxy.

Thus Israel's diplomatic situation will go from bad to worse. Even the US administration is struggling to sustain its stance of unconditional support to Tel Aviv in the face of Israel's use of force against the civilian population in Gaza, which has prompted the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to apply for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Israel needs to accept it is part of the international community and recognize that the UN General Assembly resolution represents the near unanimous consensus of the community. It is only turning itself into a pariah-puppet of the US by blindly plowing its current furrow.

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