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Memorial plaque honoring former Soviet expert to China unveiled in Russia

Source: Xinhua | 2024-05-17
Memorial plaque honoring former Soviet expert to China unveiled in Russia

KALUGA, Russia, May 16 (Xinhua) -- A memorial plaque commemorating the former head of the Soviet expert group to China Ivan Vasilievich Arkhipov was unveiled in the Russian city of Kaluga on Wednesday.

The ceremony was attended by representatives from China and Russia as well as Arkhipov's descendants.

At the ceremony, Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Moscow Liu Qinghua noted that Arkhipov significantly contributed to helping New China revitalize its national economy and achieve the goals of the first Five-Year Plan, adding that he made unremitting efforts to consolidate and continue the friendship between the two peoples.

"The unveiling of this commemorative plaque enables us to further strengthen the resolve and confidence in carrying forward and deepening the great friendship between the two countries," Liu said.

Vice-Chairman of the Russia-China Friendship Society Kirill Barsky told Xinhua that the unveiling of the plaque holds great significance.

"We will remember the contribution that Arkhipov has made to the development of our relations for many years to come. We will pass this memory on from generation to generation," he said.

Arkhipov led the work of the former Soviet expert group to China in the 1950s. He has received multiple awards from both countries for his contribution to the bilateral ties. Arkhipov died in 1998. 


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