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China calls for unimpeded path to Palestine's UN membership

Source: Xinhua | 2024-05-14
China calls for unimpeded path to Palestine's UN membership

BEIJING, May 13 (Xinhua) -- China urges relevant countries not to create obstacles for Palestine's membership to the United Nations (UN), and not to continue to stand in opposition to the international community, international justice and human conscience, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said on Monday.

Wang made the remarks at a regular press briefing when asked to expound China's position on the issue of Palestine's UN membership.

On May 10, the UN General Assembly's emergency special session adopted a resolution by an overwhelming majority, recognizing Palestine's qualification for full UN membership, and recommending that the Security Council reconsider its application. China co-sponsored the resolution and cast an affirmative vote.

"The Chinese representative has already comprehensively elaborated our position in the interpretative speech following the voting," Wang said, noting that independent statehood has been a long-cherished aspiration of the Palestinian people and full UN membership is a crucial step in this historic process.

He added that supporting and advancing the independence of Palestine as a sovereign state provides a strong guarantee for implementing the two-state solution and achieving lasting peace in the Middle East, which is also a strong call from the international community and a shared responsibility of all parties.

Wang said China supports the UN Security Council in reconsidering Palestine's application to join the UN as soon as possible in accordance with the requirements of the resolution.

The resolution makes further arrangements for Palestine's participation in UN activities and related meetings, granting new rights and privileges to Palestine, Wang said, adding that these special arrangements are a remedy for the long-standing injustices suffered by Palestinians and a correction for the abuse of veto power by the United States.

"We look forward to Palestine becoming a full UN member and enjoying full and equal rights in the UN like other member states," Wang said.