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Chinese foreign ministry official on US Secretary of State Blinken's visit to China

Source: Xinhua | 2024-04-28
Chinese foreign ministry official on US Secretary of State Blinken's visit to China

BEIJING, April 27 (Xinhua) -- On April 26, Yang Tao, Director General of the Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs of the Foreign Ministry briefed the media on the just-concluded visit of U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Yang noted that, at the invitation of Foreign Minister Wang Yi, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited China from April 24 to 26. The visit is part of the efforts by China and the U.S. to follow through on the common understandings reached by the two presidents at their meeting in San Francisco, maintain dialogue, manage differences, advance cooperation and strengthen coordination on international affairs.

During Blinken's visit, Chinese president met him on the afternoon of April 26, giving an authoritative articulation of China's position on China-U.S. relations, and providing guidance for bilateral ties.

The Chinese side noted that China and the United States should be partners rather than rivals, help each other succeed rather than hurt each other, seek common ground and reserve differences rather than engage in vicious competition, and honor words with actions rather than say one thing but do another. These four points are important inspirations drawn from the past 45 years of diplomatic ties. Mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation, as the three overarching principles for the relationship, are both lessons learned from the past and a guide for the future.

The Chinese side underscored that transformations unseen in a century are unfolding in a profound way, and the international situation is fluid and turbulent. We live in an interdependent world, in which we rise and fall together. With our interests deeply intertwined, all countries need to build maximum consensus for win-win and all-win outcomes. This is the basic starting point for China to view the world and China-U.S. relations. Major countries should behave in a manner befitting their status, act with broad-mindedness and a sense of responsibility, undertake responsibilities for world peace, create opportunities for the development of all countries, provide the world with public goods, and play a positive role in promoting global unity. These four things are what China and the United States should do to set a good example.

The Chinese side noted that, in the past few months, the two sides have followed upon the San Francisco vision reached between the two presidents, and made some good progress. But there are still issues to be addressed which require further efforts. In China's view, stabilizing and developing the bilateral relationship this year requires the two sides to value peace, prioritize stability and uphold credibility. China is willing to cooperate, but cooperation should be a two-way street. China is not afraid of competition, but competition should be about progressing together instead of playing a zero-sum game. China is committed to non-alliance, and the U.S. should not create small blocs. While each side can have its friends and partners, it should not target, oppose or harm the other. These important statements by the Chinese president are the most up-to-date guidance for the Chinese side to handle and develop its relations with the United States.

Yang briefed that earlier on the same day, Wang had held talks with Blinken for five and a half hours. They had extensive and in-depth exchange of views on the bilateral relations and international and regional issues. Wang made clear China's position on major issues related to China's core concerns, including strategic perception, Taiwan, trade and technology, the South China Sea, and the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy.

Yang said that Wang Xiaohong, State Councilor and Minister of Public Security, also met with Blinken. They exchanged views on counter-narcotics law enforcement cooperation. On April 25, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee Chen Jining met with Blinken, they discussed Shanghai's exchanges and cooperation with the U.S. side. These meetings and talks were candid, substantive and constructive.

Yang noted that last November, the successful meeting between the two heads of state of the two countries in San Francisco opened a future-oriented San Francisco vision for the stable, healthy and sustainable development of the China-U.S. relations. During the talks and meetings, the Chinese side emphasized that both sides need to faithfully implement the tasks assigned by the two presidents. President Biden stated on multiple occasions that the United States does not seek a new Cold War, it does not seek to change China's system, its alliances are not targeted against China, the United States does not support "Taiwan independence," it has no intention to have a conflict with China, it does not seek to suppress China's development, does not seek to decouple from China, and it has no intention to curtail China's technological advancement, and a growing and successful China is good for the world. During this visit, the U.S. side reaffirmed these statements. On that, China still holds the view that the U.S. side should act on its words rather than say one thing but do otherwise.

Yang said that strategic perception is about whether China and the United States should be partners or rivals. This issue is of fundamental importance to the relationship, and is discussed whenever the two sides meet, this time included. The Chinese side emphasized that China is an ancient civilization of the East with a history of 5,000 years, a big country with over 1.4 billion people moving toward modernization, and a socialist country committed to the path of peaceful development. Neither the logic of great powers vying for hegemony nor the Cold War mentality can be found in China's DNA, and they are not China's way of doing things. China welcomes a confident, open, prosperous and thriving United States, and hopes that the United States will also see China's development in a positive light. Only when this "first button of a shirt" is put right, can the China-U.S. relationship truly stabilize, improve and move forward. If the United States is bent on seeing China as its primary rival, the relationship will only run into more troubles.

The Taiwan question is the first red line in the China-U.S. relationship that must not be crossed, noted Yang, saying the premise of any discussion over the Taiwan question between China and the United States is that Taiwan is part of China and the Taiwan question is purely China's internal affair. The reason why such discussion takes place is because the United States interferes in China's internal affairs. China firmly opposes the misguided words and actions of the U.S. side on the Taiwan question. The Chinese side stressed that if the U.S. side truly wants peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, it should faithfully abide by the one-China principle and the three joint communiques between the two countries, not send any wrong signal to "Taiwan independence" forces in any way, stop arming Taiwan, and support China's peaceful reunification.

He noted that at the heart of trade and tech issues is the Chinese people's right to development. Such right must not be deprived of. The Chinese side made clear that intensified attempts by the U.S. side to curb China in economy, trade and technology are by no means fair competition, but are suppression and containment. Instead of de-risking, such moves are creating risks. The Chinese side made it clear that the U.S. side should stop hyping up the false narrative of "overcapacity," revoke the illegal sanctions on Chinese businesses, and stop levying Section 301 tariffs which violate WTO rules.

Yang said that the Asia Pacific region should not become a wrestling ground for major powers. It is hoped that the United States will make the right decision, and work with China to achieve positive interaction in the Asia Pacific. The Chinese side urged the U.S. side to give up creating small circles that exclude the other side, not to force regional countries to pick sides, stop the deployment of mid-range ground-based missiles, stop undermining China's strategic and security interests, and stop damaging the hard-earned peace and stability in the region.

Yang said that during the visit, the two sides, having extensively exchanged views, reached consensus in the following five aspects:

First, the two sides agreed to continue their efforts to stabilize and develop China-U.S. relations under the guidance of the two presidents. The two sides recognized the progress made in the dialogue and cooperation in various fields since the San Francisco meeting, and agreed to move faster to implement the important common understandings reached by the two presidents in San Francisco.

Second, the two sides agreed to maintain high-level interaction and engagements on various levels. The two sides agreed to leverage the role of consultation mechanisms in such areas as diplomacy, economy, finance, and commerce that are restored or newly established. The two sides agreed to continue the military-to-military interaction, and advance cooperation on counter-narcotics, climate change and artificial intelligence.

Third, the two sides announced that the first meeting of the inter-governmental dialogue on artificial intelligence will be held. Consultations on the guiding principles of China-U.S. relations will be advanced. A new round of consultations on Asia Pacific affairs and maritime affairs will be held. Consultations on consular affairs will continue. Senior official meetings under the China-U.S. counter-narcotics working group will be held. The U.S. side welcomes a visit by China's special envoy for climate change Liu Zhenmin.

Fourth, the two sides will take steps to expand people-to-people exchanges, and welcome students from each other's countries. The two sides agreed to ensure the success of the 14th China-U.S. Tourism Leadership Summit in May in Xi'an, China.

Fifth, the two sides will maintain consultations on international and regional hotspot issues and strengthen communications between the special envoys of the two countries.

On the so-called "overcapacity" in China, Yang noted that China's competitiveness in new energy vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products is not the result of government subsidies, but the result of global market demand, technological innovation, and full competition. High-quality new energy products from China have helped other countries move faster on green transition, climate response and taming inflation. The so-called "overcapacity" argument hyped up by the U.S. side does not conform to logics of the market. Instead, it is a false narrative artificially created, which is another example of American protectionism and its attempts to curtail China's development. What is in excess is not China's production capacity, but America's anxiety. Speaking of non-market practices and unfair competition, the Chips and Science Act and the Inflation Reduction Act introduced by the United States in the past two years not just explicitly provide subsidies but also contain exclusive and discriminatory clauses. Are they in line with principles of the market? The U.S. side has illegally sanctioned over 1,500 Chinese entities and individuals under various kinds of excuses. Is this fair competition?

On the South China Sea issue, Yang stressed that China's sovereignty over Nansha Islands, including Ren'ai Jiao, is based on solid historical and legal grounds. China has always acted in line with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. No country shall attempt to challenge China's lawful rights and interests by citing an illegal arbitral award. It is clear how the situation of Ren'ai Jiao came to this point. First, the Philippines reneged on its promise, refused to tow away its illegally grounded vessel, and left it on Ren'ai Jiao for 25 years. The Philippines then went further to break its "gentlemen's agreement" and private understandings with China, infringe on China's rights, make provocations, and attempt to repair and reinforce the vessel on a large scale in order to permanently occupy Ren'ai Jiao. Such moves are in serious violation of Article 5 of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea reached between China and ASEAN countries. Recent escalation of tensions in the South China Sea is in no small part caused by the involvement and meddling by the United States. The United States wantonly makes threats by citing its mutual defense treaty with the Philippines. This is a serious violation of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and gravely imperils regional peace and stability. To truly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea, the U.S. side should stop fanning the flame or inciting confrontation. China is steadfast in defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

On issues related to Hong Kong, Xinjiang, Xizang, and human rights, Yang noted that Hong Kong belongs to China, and the United States should respect China's sovereignty and the rule of law in Hong Kong. Any smearing campaign must be stopped. Issues related to Xinjiang and Xizang are China's internal affairs. The United States should not make unwarranted remarks, still less interfere in them under the pretext of human rights.

On Ukraine, Yang noted that China did not create the Ukraine crisis, neither is it a party to the conflict. China has not done anything to add fuel to the flame or exploit the conflict for selfish gains. China's position is open and honest. Simply put, China is committed to promoting talks for peace and a political settlement. China follows principles in conducting itself on the international stage. We will fulfill our due obligations fully and faithfully. But we will not accept being scapegoated, nor will we pay the price for what others do. The United States should stop smearing or exerting pressure on China, and stop its abusive unilateral sanctions against Chinese companies.