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Full text: Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Zambia on Establishing the Comprehensive Strategic and Cooperative Partnership

Source: Xinhua | 2023-09-15
Full text: Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Zambia on Establishing the Comprehensive Strategic and Cooperative Partnership

BEIJING, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- The People's Republic of China and the Republic of Zambia on Friday issued a joint statement on establishing a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership.

The following is the full text of the statement:

The Joint Statement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of Zambia on Establishing the Comprehensive Strategic and Cooperative Partnership

At the invitation of President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China, President Hakainde Hichilema of the Republic of Zambia paid a State Visit to the People's Republic of China on 10-16 September 2023.

During the Visit, the two Heads of State held talks in a cordial and friendly atmosphere, where they had in-depth exchange of views on China-Zambia relations, China-Africa relations and international and regional issues of mutual interest and reached extensive and important consensus. Premier Li Qiang of the State Council and Chairman Zhao Leji of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China held separate meetings with President Hichilema.

The two Heads of State valued the all-weather friendship between the two countries developed by the older generation of leadership and commended their close political and economic cooperation since the establishment of their diplomatic relations, especially since the relationship entered a new era. The two Heads of State decided to upgrade the bilateral relationship to Comprehensive Strategic and Cooperative Partnership.

1. On jointly building a community with a shared future for mankind

China and Zambia support each other in international affairs, as role models in safeguarding the common interests of developing countries and international equity and justice and active contributors to regional and global peace and development.

(1) The two sides reaffirmed the commitment to real multilateralism, safeguard the UN-centered international system, the international-law-based international order and basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, uphold solidarity and cooperation in the international community, advocate the common values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom shared by humanity and work for a community with a shared future for mankind.

(2) The two sides reiterated their support for the UN authority, agreed that it is necessary to reform the UN and its Security Council to allow for a bigger role of the developing countries, support improved representation and a bigger say of Africa in the Security Council and rectify the historical injustice to Africa. The Zambian side reiterated the importance of the Ezulwini Consensus and thanked China for being the first G20 country to support the AU in joining the group.

(3) The two sides recognized the importance of exploring their own paths to democracy suited to the needs of their people on the basis of their own national realities.

(4) The two sides agreed that human rights are a cause shared by mankind, and that countries should regard the right to existence and development as the most important part of fundamental human rights, and the countries should improve their human rights situation based on their own national realities and the will of their people. Human rights exchanges and cooperation should be conducted on the basis of mutual respect and equality.

(5) The two sides agreed that climate change is a challenge facing humanity and that the international community needs to collectively respond to the challenges. The developed countries shoulder inescapable historical responsibilities over climate change, and should, therefore, take the lead in undertaking emission reductions obligations by a large margin and faithfully honor their commitment to the developing countries regarding financial, technical and capacity-building support.

(6) The Zambian side thanked the Chinese side for the key role it played in the Zambian debt restructuring process as Co-chair of the Official Creditors' Committee under the G20 Common Framework. They further expressed appreciation at the efforts that the Chinese side continues to make for a sustainable solution.

(7) The two sides appreciated the important role played by the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in advancing China-Africa comprehensive strategic partnership, agreed to step up consultations and coordination on FOCAC affairs and jointly implement practical cooperation in all areas under the framework of the Dakar Action Plan (2022-2024).

2. On deepening high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)

(8) Based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Republic of Zambia on Cooperation within the Framework of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Initiative signed in 2018, the two sides will deepen high-quality cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), promote practical cooperation in related areas to achieve more fruitful results, and jointly safeguard the safety of cooperation projects and personnel of enterprises of both sides. The Zambian side highly appreciated the positive role that the BRI had played in promoting national economic development and people's livelihood improvement of the relevant countries since it came into being 10 years ago and wished the 3rd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation a complete success. Zambia stands ready to step up efforts to develop a synergy between its 8th National Development Plan and the BRI to promote win-win cooperation and common development.

(9) The two sides will establish a green development strategic partnership and enhance cooperation on environmental protection, combating climate change, green economy, and emergency risk response mechanism, among others. The two sides will deepen mutually beneficial cooperation on renewable energy such as photovoltaic power, and electric vehicle industries to promote energy transition and ensure energy security. The Zambian side applauded the Chinese efforts, determination and actions to pursue green and low-carbon development and to participate actively in international cooperation against climate change, and will take them as an opportunity to advance relevant cooperation between the two sides.

(10) The two sides will enhance mutually beneficial cooperation in mineral exploration and mining and industries aimed at value addition. The Zambian side invited Chinese mining businesses to continue active participation in the mining sector. The Chinese side encourages Chinese businesses to invest in Zambia's new-energy battery value chain development so as to support Zambia's efforts to upscale industrial chains and boost its capability for independent development.

(11) At the request of the Zambian side, the Chinese side is ready to support the upgrade and renovation of the TAZARA Railway in line with market and commercial principles.

(12) The two sides welcomed the participation of Chinese businesses in infrastructure development in Zambia through Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and other models.

3. On implementing the Global Development Initiative

China and Zambia are active and important forces for international peace and development. Taking the lead in implementing the Global Development Initiative is a concrete step towards further enhancing the bilateral relations.

(13) The Zambian side expressed once again warm congratulations on the success of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), and on the re-election of H.E. Xi Jinping as General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China and Chairman of the Central Military Commission. The Zambian side commended China for the great achievements made in the past 10 years of the new era, and recognized that Chinese modernization has created a new model of human advancement which has provided a new option for other developing countries to independently pursue modernization and explore diverse paths towards modernization. The Zambian side stands ready to learn from China's successful experience in its modernization endeavors, and fully believes that under the leadership of the CPC, China will build itself into a great modern socialist country in all aspects, achieve the 2nd centenary goal, and advance the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese modernization.

(14) The Chinese side applauded Zambia's historic political stability and peaceful and friendly relations with countries in the region, and commended its achievements in economic development and improvement of people's livelihood under President Hichilema's leadership. The Chinese side believes that under President Hichilema's leadership, Zambia will fully implement the 8th National Development Plan and attain economic transformation in order to deliver a better life for its people. The Chinese side recognized that President Hichilema will play a bigger and more positive role in safeguarding regional and global peace and development. In this regard, President Xi expressed congratulations on and support for President Hichilema's assumption to the Chair of COMESA as well as the Chair of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defense and Security Cooperation.

(15) The Chinese side reaffirmed its relentless support for the Zambian people's independent choice of development path suited to its national conditions, and for Zambia's efforts to safeguard national independence, sovereignty, security and development interests. The Zambian side reaffirmed its firm adherence to the One-China Principle, recognized that the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory, and the Zambian side firmly supports the Chinese government's efforts to achieve national reunification. The Zambian side supports China's legitimate measures to safeguard the prosperity and stability of Xinjiang, Xizang and Hong Kong, believes that China is capable of safeguarding its national sovereignty and security and opposes any comments or actions that undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity.

(16) The Zambian side appreciated the Global Development Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping, which has steered countries to put development back to the core of the international agenda and accelerated the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Chinese side welcomed Zambia's new membership in the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative, and the two sides will promote practical cooperation in various fields under the framework of the Global Development Initiative.

(17) The two sides noted that the year 2024 marks Zambia's 60th anniversary of independence as well as the 60th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic ties. The commemoration should be an opportunity to bring into full play the political leading role of the head-of-state diplomacy, keep the momentum of high-level exchanges and dialogue, enhance political mutual trust and consolidate the political foundation for the bilateral relations. The two sides stressed that mutual respect, equality and common development are important principles of China-Zambia relations.

The two sides agreed that it would be in the fundamental interests of the two peoples of China and Zambia if they were to enhance practical cooperation and strengthen economic ties. The two sides agreed to designate 2024 as the Year of Business Cooperation.

(18) The two sides will enhance trade cooperation. The Chinese side will invite Zambia to continuously participate in the China International Import Expo. The Chinese side will actively explore the possibility of providing market access to more Zambian products and provide facilitation for holding trade promotion events in China. The Zambian side expressed gratitude towards China for the invitation and appreciation for the series of important measures of China on high-level opening-up. China supports the development of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

(19) The two sides will enhance investment cooperation. The two sides agreed to establish an investment cooperation working group mechanism to promote investment cooperation in areas such as digital economy and green development. The Chinese side encourages more Chinese businesses to invest in Zambia's manufacturing sector through partnerships in order to create more jobs and fulfill social responsibilities. The Zambian side will, by establishing one-stop service platforms and other means, further improve its business environment and provide facilitation for Chinese businesses' investment and operation in Zambia. The two sides will strengthen the development of economic cooperation zones, support the upgrading of those economic cooperation zones in Zambia into industrial chain and supply chain cooperation demonstration zones, and the Chinese side will support Zambia's investment promotion activities in China for the relevant zones.

(20) The two sides will implement the Joint Statement on Deepening Agricultural Cooperation and Ensuring Food Security. The Zambian side will provide necessary support for Chinese investment in Zambia's agriculture sector. The Chinese side encourages Chinese businesses to participate in cooperation throughout the industrial chains of agricultural products and invest in production of fertilizers, pesticides and agricultural machinery in Zambia.

(21) The two sides encourage greater use of national currencies in trade and investment, and help businesses of both countries reduce costs of currency exchange and lower exchange rate risks. The two sides will also create a favorable policy environment for promoting settlements in local currencies and support a greater role of the Chinese Renminbi (RMB) settlement bank in Zambia.

(22) The two sides recognized that a redeveloped Mulungushi Textiles factory with modern efficient technology will align with the Zambian Government's development strategy of industrialization and promotion of agro-processing and value-added exports to China, which also creates jobs and alleviates poverty, especially among the rural communities engaged in cotton growing. The Chinese side encourages well-established Chinese businesses to advance the relevant work in line with market principles.

4. On implementing the Global Security Initiative

The Zambian side supports the Global Security Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping. China and Zambia are ready to jointly implement the Global Security Initiative and contribute to the promotion of lasting peace and development in the world.

(23) The two sides appreciated each other's positive contribution to maintaining regional and world peace and stability. They agreed that all countries should stay committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, adhering to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, taking the legitimate security concerns of all countries seriously, peacefully resolving differences and disputes between countries through dialogue, and maintaining security in both traditional and non-traditional domains.

(24) The two sides agreed to commit to protection of the safety and lawful rights and interests of each other's citizens and institutions on their territories.

(25) The two sides will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation on peace and security, intensify high-level exchanges between their military forces, and strengthen cooperation in the areas of personnel training, combating transnational crimes, military medicine, equipment and technologies, etc. China will continue to send military medical expert teams to Zambia.

(26) The Zambian side appreciates China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis proposed by the Chinese side. The Chinese side appreciates that President Hichilema and other African leaders formed a peace mission to visit Russia and Ukraine and put forward the African Peace Initiative. The two sides agreed that dialogue and negotiations are the only viable solution and that all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis must be encouraged and supported. The two sides call on the international community to jointly address the spillover effects in food, energy, finance, transportation and other fields, and reduce the negative impact of the crisis on the developing world, especially on African countries. The two sides call on more countries to play a constructive role in the peaceful settlement of the crisis.

(27) The two sides support the cooperation in addressing climate change and maintaining stable and smooth supply and industrial chains, and avoid the politicization and weaponization of energy and food security issues, so as to maintain smooth supply and price stability of energy and food.

5. On implementing the Global Civilization Initiative

The two sides recognized that all countries are faced with common challenges in the pursuit of peace, development and modernization that call for unity, collaboration and dialogue, while division and confrontation still impede international solidarity and cooperation. The two sides agreed to take the lead in implementing the Global Civilization Initiative, by enhancing civilizational exchanges and amity between their peoples.

(28) The ruling parties of the two countries will strengthen party-to-party exchanges and cooperation based on the principles of independence, complete equality, mutual respect and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, by carrying out experience sharing activities in the field of party building and governance.

(29) The Zambian side supports the Global Civilization Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping. The two sides applauded the cooperation results between the two countries in culture, tourism, education, public health, youth, think tanks, media and sports, and agreed to enhance cooperation in these fields. The two sides also decided to designate 2024 as the Year of Culture and Tourism.

(30) The Chinese side appreciated Zambia's visa-free policy for Chinese tourists. The Zambian side thanked China for listing Zambia as the second batch of pilot countries for outbound group tours by Chinese travel agencies and welcomed Chinese tourists to Zambia. The two sides agreed to further facilitate personnel exchanges between the two countries.

(31) The two sides will strengthen health cooperation. The Chinese side will continue to support Zambian public health system building and dispatch medical teams to Zambia. The Zambian side expressed gratitude for China's continued support in Zambia's health sector, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

(32) The two sides look forward to the opening of direct flight routes on an early date to further facilitate personnel exchanges.

The two sides agreed that President Hichilema's State Visit to China was a complete success and is of great significance to the development of China-Zambia relations and a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future. President Hichilema sincerely thanked President Xi and the Chinese Government and people for the warm hospitality. President Hichilema invited President Xi to visit Zambia in 2024 on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations.