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Chinese FM spokesperson introduces achievements of GSI over past year

Source: Xinhua | 2023-04-22
Chinese FM spokesperson introduces achievements of GSI over past year

BEIJING, April 21 (Xinhua) -- A foreign ministry spokesperson on Friday introduced China's measures and achievements in implementing the Global Security Initiative (GSI) over the past year, saying that China stands ready to work with other parties to act on the vision of a community of shared security for mankind, practice true multilateralism, jointly address traditional and non-traditional security challenges and advance the lofty cause of peace and development for humanity.

One year ago today, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the Global Security Initiative (GSI).

Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily news briefing that in a world of change and disorder on the security front, President Xi Jinping put forward the important GSI, calling on countries to adapt to the profoundly changing international landscape in the spirit of solidarity, and address the complex and intertwined security challenges with a win-win mindset.

The GSI aims to eliminate the root causes of international conflicts, improve global security governance, encourage joint international efforts to bring more stability and certainty to a volatile and changing era, and promote durable peace and development in the world, Wang added.

Wang said this major initiative has been widely commended and warmly received by the international community, among which more than 80 countries and a number of international organizations have expressed appreciation and support.

"As the initiator of the GSI, China has taken real actions to implement it," Wang said, adding that China is committed to the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. The Chinese side has had in-depth exchanges and communication on security concepts and policies with other parties to beat swords into plowshares and work for shared security.

Not long ago, China issued the Global Security Initiative Concept Paper to further elaborate on the initiative's core ideas and principles as well as the priorities, platforms and mechanisms of cooperation, Wang said.

Wang said China has actively engaged in mediation diplomacy and made unremitting efforts for the political settlement of hotspot issues including the Iranian nuclear issue, the issues on the Korean Peninsula, the Syrian issue and the Palestinian question.

"We've issued China's Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis and China's Position on the Afghan Issue, and stood firm on the side of peace," said Wang.

Not long ago, Saudi Arabia and Iran held talks in Beijing and achieved major outcomes. The two countries announced their decision to resume diplomatic relations, which is a successful practice of the GSI and sets a good example of how countries in the region can resolve disputes and differences and achieve good neighborliness and friendship through dialogue and consultation, Wang added.

"China has actively advanced international security dialogue and exchanges," Wang said, adding that China facilitated the convening of the first China-Horn of Africa peace conference among African countries in the region, which reached important common understandings on regional peace, development and governance and injected positive energy into the efforts to uphold Africa's security and stability.

China successfully held the second Middle East Security Forum and made a four-point proposal for fostering a new security architecture in the Middle East. China has also vigorously promoted exchanges and cooperation in the field of security on multiple platforms including the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia and East Asia cooperation mechanisms to build consensus and synergy for tackling security challenges among the international community, said Wang.

"China has actively participated in cooperation in the field of non-traditional security including COVID, counterterrorism, biosecurity, cyberspace, food and climate change," Wang added.

China has put forward an initiative on international food security cooperation at the G20, and promoted the adoption of the BRICS Strategy on Food Security Cooperation, offering China's solution for the global food security challenge. The launch of the center for disaster prevention and mitigation cooperation between China and Pacific Island countries in February this year is China's another robust effort to help fellow developing countries cope with non-traditional security challenges, Wang said.

"The GSI is an international public good and guardian of tranquility and wellbeing for people around the world," Wang said, adding that China stands ready to work with other parties to act on the vision of a community of shared security for mankind, practice true multilateralism, jointly address traditional and non-traditional security challenges and advance the lofty cause of peace and development for humanity.