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PLA ready to combat any secessionist attempt

Source: China Daily | 2023-04-10
PLA ready to combat any secessionist attempt

Protesters from Chinese and other communities as well as peace activists on Wednesday gather in front of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, to oppose the meeting between Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen and US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. [Photo by Lia Zhu/China Daily]

This is an editorial from China Daily.

For both those seeking "independence" in Taiwan and their supporters in Western nations such as the United States, the People's Liberation Army's patrols and exercises around the island should be a stern warning.

The timing of the three-day military exercises, soon after Taiwan leader Tsai In-wen returned from her "transit" trip to the US, are justified and necessary countermeasures. The fact that the PLA could hold patrols and exercises in the waters and air in the Taiwan Straits and to the north, east and south of the island - in other words surrounding it totally - demonstrates both the determination and capability of China to safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

China has repeatedly stressed that the Taiwan question is its domestic affair while national reunification is its core interests, not allowing any external forces to intervene. However, Tsai's "transit" trip was, in essence, a provocation aimed at seeking "Taiwan independence" by colluding with US anti-China forces. Its military strength is a testament to its determination that Beijing is ready to honor its words with actions.

The Taiwan question emerged when China was still too weak in its comprehensive capabilities and military strength, and it will be solved as China has become strong enough to protect its core interests.


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