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Xi says China to expand cooperation with Russia in trade, investment, supply chain, mega projects, energy, hi-tech

Source: Xinhua | 2023-03-22
Xi says China to expand cooperation with Russia in trade, investment, supply chain, mega projects, energy, hi-tech

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in Moscow, Russia, March 21, 2023. [Photo by Ding Haitao/Xinhua]

MOSCOW, March 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday that China is ready to expand cooperation with Russia in trade, investment, supply chain, mega projects, energy and hi-tech areas.

Xi made the remarks during his meeting with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

Xi said that China and Russia are each other's largest neighbors and comprehensive strategic partners of coordination, saying that maintaining the healthy and stable development of China-Russia ties conforms to the historical logic of bilateral relations and the fundamental interests of their people.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been a success, and not long ago, new leaders of China's state institutions have been elected during this year's "two sessions," said Xi, adding that the CPC, the country and the Chinese people are unprecedentedly united and are advancing the Chinese modernization in an all-round way.

The new Chinese government deeply values the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, and is willing to work with the Russian side to push for the realization of new goals and achieve fresh outcomes in bilateral cooperation through regular meetings between Chinese premier and Russia prime minister, as well as other institutionalized communication channels.

Xi stressed that amid the complex external environment, China-Russia all-round practical cooperation has maintained sound momentum of development since last year.

China has been Russia's largest trading partner for 13 consecutive years, and the two countries have continued deepening their energy cooperation, made solid progress in strategic mega projects and kept even closer people-to-people and cultural exchanges as well as local-level interactions, Xi said.

Xi called for efforts of the two countries to raise both the quantity and quality of economic and trade cooperation, enhance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, so as to keep industrial and supply chains secure and stable.

He also urged both sides to give full play to connectivity mega-projects, jointly safeguard the energy security of the two countries, and expand bilateral economic and trade exchanges.

China and Russia need to strengthen cooperation in scientific research and innovation and push for sustainable development of bilateral cooperation in such fields, Xi said, urging the two countries to work for the continued success of the Chinese-Russian years of sports exchanges in 2022 and 2023 with more activities to be held in a well-planned way.

Xi said China attaches great importance to the synergy between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and stands ready to work with Russia and other EAEU members to advance the implementation of the agreement on economic and trade cooperation between China and the EAEU, so as to carry out regional cooperation at a higher level and at a greater depth.

For his part, Mishustin said that he has led almost all important cabinet members of the Russian government to meet with President Xi to warmly welcome Xi for his state visit to Russia.

It is of great significance that President Xi chose Russia as the first stop of his overseas visit following his reelection, which fully demonstrates the special feature of Russia-China relations in the new era, he said.

The development of Russia-China relations is at a historic high, which is conducive to better safeguarding multilateralism and promoting a multipolar world in the current international situation, Mishustin said, noting that the mechanism of regular meetings between Russian prime minister and Chinese premier is unique in the world.

Russia looks forward to working with the new Chinese government to conduct close coordination and cooperation, earnestly implement the consensuses reached by the two heads of state and strengthen the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between the two countries, he said.

Russia is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in such areas as investment, trade, energy, natural gas, peaceful use of nuclear energy, aviation and aerospace, scientific and technological innovation, cross-border transportation and logistics, and strengthen communication and cooperation in the safety of supply and industrial chains, food security and other issues, Mishustin said.

Mishustin voiced the hope that the two sides will further strengthen people-to-people exchanges and cooperation in such areas as culture, youth and sports. 

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin in Moscow, Russia, March 21, 2023. [Photo by Zhang Ling/Xinhua]
