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Xinhua Commentary: US slander against China's stance on Ukraine crisis absurd

Source: Xinhua | 2023-03-04
US slander against China's stance on Ukraine crisis absurd

BEIJING, March 3 (Xinhua) -- Committed to promoting peace talks on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China has recently released a paper stating Beijing's position on the crisis. While the fair and constructive document has been widely welcomed across the world, some Western countries led by the United States have smeared the proposal as "unfair."

Labeling China's support for peace talks as "unreasonable," Washington is suggesting that the only right stance on the issue is to stand by the United States to keep fueling the crisis. What an absurdity.

The root cause of Washington' slander against China's position is that the United States does not want an early end to the conflict. "Behind a mind-set that invites the burden of policing a rules-based global order is a conventional assumption: War, though tragic, is a boon for economic vitality and patriotic vigor," said an opinion piece titled "Straight Talk on the Country's War Addiction" published last month by The New York Times.

That is the case. From reaping arms orders to replacing Russia in energy supply to Europe, the United States has indeed energized its economy through the conflict. What's more, by waging "a proxy war" to weaken Russia and forcing Europe to further rely on America in security, the United States has consolidated its hegemony.

Besides, discrediting China is Washington's old trick to contain the country. Since the escalation of the Ukraine crisis, certain U.S. and Western politicians, together with some media outlets, have spread disinformation about China, saying "China may provide weapons to Russia."

In this way, the United States is attempting to shift the blame for fanning the flames in Ukraine. As most countries in the world hope for peace, the United States is eager to shy away from its responsibility and divert the public's attention from the truth that it is Washington that is aggravating tensions.

Meanwhile, using the Ukraine crisis as an excuse, Washington has pointed the finger at China-Russia ties, depicting the relationship as a threat. In fact, the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination is built on the basis of non-alliance, non-confrontation and non-targeting of third countries, which is within the sovereign right of any two independent states. The relationship tolerates no third party interference or coercion.

The U.S. rhetoric has exposed the mindset of confrontation long held by the United States and its Western allies when dealing with international disputes. From the failure in Iraq to the hasty withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, American politicians should have given up their obsession with military force and power politics.

At the recent Munich Security Conference, the United States and some other countries from the Western world tried to continue fueling the crisis, while some leaders of developing countries believed that the ongoing conflict delayed the resolution of other pressing issues.

"We don't want to go on discussing who will be the winner or the loser of a war," said Colombia's Vice President Francia Marquez. "We are all losers and, in the end, it is humankind that loses everything."

Washington must be aware that its stance on the Ukraine crisis goes against the will of the international community. Stop the blame game, and do something that really helps cool the situation.

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