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China's modernization promotes global peace and development

Source: CGTN | 2023-03-02
China's modernization promotes global peace and development

By Christopher Helali

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) which was held in October 2022, outlined for the first time the necessity of Chinese modernization. On the path to China's rejuvenation, the modernization of the Chinese nation is critical to ensuring prosperity, stability, and peace.

Chinese President Xi Jinping said Chinese modernization is not only for China but for the world. That is, China's modernization and ongoing development does not merely lift the Chinese people's living standards and their prosperity, but also raises global prosperity. In a dialectical relationship, Chinese prosperity is tied to the prosperity of the world. If China prospers, the world prospers and vice-versa.

For centuries, the Chinese have endured barbarities, injustices, and plundering of their national resources under the yoke of colonialism. Today, the Chinese stand tall and proud. No longer will the Chinese nation submit to outside meddling of their internal affairs. No longer will the natural resources and wealth of the Chinese get plundered by imperialist powers.

The Chinese path to modernization is born out of the wisdom accumulated from a long history of struggle and sacrifice. This was reflected in the 20th National Congress of the CPC, as well as the documents and policies that have emerged from it.

The Communist Party of China under the leadership of General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping is committed to realizing socialist modernization in all respects. That means, building China into a strong, prosperous, democratic, harmonious, technologically advanced, and ecologically sustainable society over the next few decades.

Over the past few years, China's alleviation of extreme poverty has shown the world its commitment of the CPC to bringing prosperity to all Chinese. This victory proves China's dedication to a people-centered philosophy, which is rooted in socialism with Chinese characteristics.

China's economy has become the main engine that powers the global economy. In 2022, the Chinese economy's volume was over 120 trillion yuan ($17.39 trillion), a new record. The country's GDP is growing and wages and conditions continue to rise across the board.

Moreover, China's modernization has broad impacts in other fields including in science and technology. China has proven to be a leading force in cutting edge space technology, launching its own satellites, crewed missions, and building its own space station. China's commitment to human advancement extends far beyond our planet as the Chinese nation pursues peaceful exploration of the moon, mars, and beyond.

China's modernization utilizes the power of the Chinese economy to peacefully develop economies throughout the developing world. Unlike imperialist powers in the West, China uses its economy not for war but for peace. It achieves this with a win-win strategy in mind, not a strategy of hegemony and neocolonialism.

Chinese projects such as the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) would invest in countries across the world and build bridges and links to both people and economies. This along with other initiatives like the Global Development Initiative (GDI), the Global Security Initiative (GSI), and institutions including BRICS seek to usher in a multipolar world, ending decades of U.S. dollar hegemony and Western economic monopolies. Chinese modernization is committed to the peace and prosperity for all.

In just two decades, China has built a modern rail system linking many parts of the country with technologically advanced trains and infrastructure, capable of moving millions of people daily at high speeds. Every time I visit China, I marvel at all the efficient trains and investment in infrastructure and technology.

In stark contrast, the recent train disaster in East Palestine, Ohio revealed the decay of infrastructure in the U.S. I, as an American, am appalled by trains and subway systems in the U.S., especially in New York City and Boston, the home to renowned institutions including Harvard and MIT.

Advancing a socialist culture to foster the ideals, which have liberated and constructed China into a cornerstone of Chinese modernization. The intangible cultural heritage of the Chinese nation is a treasure for the world. For more than 5000 years Chinese civilization has made countless advancements in philosophy, science, technology, art, poetry, language, and medicine. Additionally, China has 56 cultural and natural UNESCO world heritage sites, second only to Italy.

China's modernization impacts more than 1.4 billion people, nearly 20 percent of the world's population. What happens in China also has enormous consequences for the rest of the world. While the military-industrial complex in the West continues to finance death, Chinese modernization is rooted in a people-centered philosophy geared towards the well-being and prosperity of all people. The CPC has made China's modernization a pivotal part of China's path to socialism in order to generate prosperity and peace for China and the world.

Christopher Helali is the international secretary of the Party of Communists USA and a PhD candidate in philosophy and China Government Scholar for Sino-U.S. Cultural Communication at Tongji University.


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