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The 30th anniversary of China-Kazakhstan ties strengthens mutual trust with joint visions for the future

Source: CGTN | 2022-09-16
The 30th anniversary of China-Kazakhstan ties strengthens mutual trust with joint visions for the future

By Hamzah Rifaat Hussain

In the lead up to the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), China and Kazakhstan issued a joint statement on the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries. Both sides emphasized the importance of keeping existing gains while lauding their respective achievements over the years. Chinese President Xi Jinping's trip to Nur-Sultan underlines the importance of bilateral relations which has an impact on long term stability in Central Asia and promotes greater prospects for regional cooperation. 

Both Kazakhstan and China are regional powers in their respective territories and play a key role in promoting development and prosperity in Asia. In the statement, both sides spoke highly of each other's achievements which include Kazakhstan praising China's new development philosophy and the two centenary goals of achieving a moderately well-off society by 2021 and becoming a strong, harmonious and modern socialist society by 2049.

Similarly, Kazakhstan's ability to carry out its 2030 strategy aimed at developing the country into one of the safest, most stable and ecologically sustainable countries with a dynamic economy has been praised by China. Kazakhstan has also introduced its 2050 plan which encompasses seven long term priorities including developing a sound economic base with universal labor opportunities. With both countries striving hard to achieve developmental goals, existing cooperation can reach greater heights with solid foundations.

Both sides were also the first to build cross-border oil and gas pipelines and undertake international cooperation on production capacity. In 2022, further avenues can be explored in the form of innovative collaborations in areas such as green energy, infrastructure and artificial intelligence.

Developments such as China National Petroleum Corporation collaborating with Eurasian Resources Group to set up a $250 million wind power facility in the Akotbe region in Kazakhstan for example, facilitates renewable energy generation between the two countries and underlines the joint commitment to mitigate the pernicious effects of global climate change. Efforts to promote greater sensitivity to global ecosystems is an integral part of strategic cooperation.

Beyond promoting green economies is the positive trajectory of trade which has expanded and grown substantially over the thirty years. Even amid the pandemic, both sides managed to navigate the turmoil with bilateral trade reaching above $25 billion in 2021. In 2020 alone, major exports to Kazakhstan included labor intensive products worth $5.3 billion and electronics worth $4.8 billion which constitutes 85 percent of total exports. Similarly, Kazakhstan has been a major source of metal ores, mineral sands and unwrought copper products worth $18.8 billion to China.

As the Ukraine war wreaks havoc on global supply chains and international trade, China and Kazakhstan have an opportunity to expand trading ties and contribute to greater regional connectivity. President Xi has called for joint efforts to build the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) with high quality. Expanding Silk Road e-commerce cooperation, for example, allows leveraging respective comparative advantages with partner states to tap into development opportunities in the digital age. Through the BRI which connects Eurasia, China and Kazakhstan can spearhead initiatives to promote regional prosperity.

Joint understandings on dealing with global and regional security challenges also define the 30-year relationship between China and Kazakhstan. Both sides have witnessed a fragile regional security situation with terrorism, separatism, secessionism and extremism in close proximity.

The tragic humanitarian crisis unfolding in Afghanistan with grave insecurity after the 2021 U.S. withdrawal has regional implications. Both sides oppose all forms of global and regional terrorism which compromises prosperity, economic growth and human well-being and seek to adopt constructive approaches to resolving conflicts. Even on the subject of nuclear proliferation, countries such as Kazakhstan have advocated for and played a key role in promoting nuclear free zones which is critical for global security.

And so, the 30th anniversary of bilateral ties between China and Kazakhstan brings with it joint visions for a more secure, peaceful and prosperous world.

Hamzah Rifaat Hussain, a former visiting fellow at the Stimson Center in Washington and former assistant researcher at the Islamabad Policy Research Institute, is a TV anchor at Indus News in Pakistan. 

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