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Xi calls on BRICS countries to build global community of security for all

Source: Xinhua | 2022-05-20

Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a video address at the opening session of the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting, May 19, 2022. [Photo by Li Xueren/Xinhua]

BEIJING, May 19 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday called on the BRICS countries to work together to build a global community of security for all.

Xi made the remarks while delivering a video address at the opening session of the BRICS Foreign Ministers' Meeting.

Xi noted that currently, the impacts of major changes and a pandemic unseen in a century are being combined, and factors of instability, uncertainty and insecurity are increasing in the international situation.

"Despite it, peace and development remain the unchanging theme of the times, the aspiration of people across countries for a better life remains unchanged, and the historical mission for the international community to pursue solidarity and win-win cooperation remains unchanged," Xi said.

As a positive, inspiring and constructive force in the international community, the BRICS countries need to firm up belief, brave the storms and waves, and take real action to promote peace and development, uphold fairness and justice, and advocate democracy and freedom, so as to inject stability and positive energy into international relations in a period of turbulence and transformation, Xi said.

President Xi stressed that both history and reality tell us that seeking one's own security at the expense of others' will only create new tensions and risks. To promote common security in the world, he put forward not long ago the Global Security Initiative (GSI).

BRICS countries need to strengthen political mutual trust and security cooperation, maintain close communication and coordination on major international and regional issues, accommodate each other's core interests and major concerns, respect each other's sovereignty, security and development interests, oppose hegemonism and power politics, reject Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation, and work together to build a global community of security for all, Xi said.

Development is a common task for emerging markets and developing countries, Xi underscored, adding that facing the various risks and challenges of the day, it is more than ever important for emerging markets and developing countries to strengthen solidarity and cooperation.

He called on the five BRICS countries to engage in dialogue and exchanges with more emerging markets and developing countries to increase mutual understanding and trust, tighten the bond of cooperation, and deepen the convergence of interests, so as to make the pie of cooperation bigger and the force for progress stronger, and contribute still more to the lofty vision of building a community with a shared future for mankind.