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China strongly condemns UK parliament for banning event with participation of Chinese ambassador at parliamentary estate

Source: Xinhua | 2021-09-16

BEIJING, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- China on Wednesday strongly condemned the UK parliament for banning an event with the participation of the Chinese ambassador from taking place at the parliamentary estate.

Speaking at a briefing when asked to comment on the issue, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that, instigated by some anti-China parliamentarians, the UK Parliament did not agree to hold the event with the participation of the Chinese Ambassador to the UK at the parliamentary estate. "China strongly condemns this and will have to make necessary responses."

Zhao pointed out that China's sanctions on a handful of anti-China parliamentarians of the UK were completely justified and reasonable. It was a necessary response to these people who spread slanderous rumors and disinformation and to the unilateral sanctions imposed by the UK side.

"With regard to any words and deeds that are detrimental to China's core interests, the Chinese side always responds resolutely and never tolerates wrong moves," said Zhao.

As two major economies and permanent members of the UN Security Council, cooperation between China and the UK meets the development needs of both countries and contributes to tackling global challenges, he said.

China urges the British Parliament to immediately rescind its wrong decision, earnestly restrain the words and deeds of certain members, bear in mind the interests of the people and the well-being of the world, and make more concrete efforts to consolidate and develop China-UK relations, said the spokesperson. 
