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Wolves howl wolf at the cyber door

Source: China Daily | 2021-07-21

This is an editorial from China Daily.

Almost simultaneously, the United States and its allies in Europe and the Indo-Pacific alleged they were all victims of cyberattacks on Monday. Although they fingered China as the guilty party, given the political virus Washington is hell-bent on spreading worldwide and its penchant for cyber shenanigans, if there was indeed any virtual enfilade it was more likely to have been orchestrated by the US National Security Agency, as it is known to have a jones for devious barking and byting.

Certainly none of the self-professed victims came forward with any evidence to substantiate the charge against China. That Washington has orchestrated such a chorus of its followers, only shows how desperate it is to enroll others in its gang of ne'er-mean-wells.

The hue and cry of the allies colluding with the US this time, is in striking contrast to their deafening silence whenever the US has been caught eavesdropping on their leaders and nationals, which has been repeatedly exposed, and when the mammoth US internet corporations take the data they collect from other countries' nationals and agencies as their own private assets, while those of US citizens and agencies are safeguarded as strategic resources concerning the US' national security.

While many countries regard the internet as a means to deepen cooperation and promote exchanges, the US sees it as a means to maintain its hegemony. With the most advanced technology and richest resources, the US set up its Cyber Command, the nation's unified military command for cyberspace in 2010.

One of the major victims of cyberattacks by foreign countries — and it doesn't require any head-scratching to come up with the most likely suspects — China is a firm defender of cybersecurity, and it is resolutely against any form of cyberattack and data theft. It is open to cooperation with all parties on the basis of facts and mutual respect to jointly address illegal activities in cyberspace under the framework of the United Nations-centered international laws and rules. Cyber security is a global issue concerning the common interests of all countries. Its solution entails international cooperation and coordination. Politicizing the realm only leaves gaps in the defenses that can be exploited by terrorists or criminals or any other countries wishing to launch a genuine cyberattack against a country.

China has repeatedly called for strengthening dialogue and cooperation in the field so that countries can make joint efforts to shore up the global defenses. Those countries harboring a Cold War mentality should cast it aside, as it is no longer apposite.

As it is doing in sabotaging concerted global efforts to control the COVID-19 pandemic, Washington's brazen attempts to hijack and divide the cyber realm deserves the vigilance of the whole world, rather than knee-jerk following of its lead.
