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9th World Peace Forum to be held in Beijing

Source: Xinhua | 2021-06-26

BEIJING, June 25 (Xinhua) -- The 9th World Peace Forum (WPF) will be held at Tsinghua University in Beijing from July 2 to 4, the organizers said Friday.

With the theme of "International Security Cooperation in the Post-pandemic Era: Upholding and Practicing Multilateralism," this year's forum includes topics on the Belt and Road Initiative, global economic recovery, global governance and artificial intelligence, said Yan Xuetong, WPF secretary-general and director of the Institute of Modern International Relations at Tsinghua University.

More than 100 scholars from 12 countries and some former senior officials of foreign countries and international organizations will attend the forum, both online and offline.

The non-governmental forum was initiated in 2012 by Tsinghua University, together with the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs. 
