News > 2014 >

Striving to build a hand-in-hand community of common destiny

Source: www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng | 2014-07-17

Chinese President Xi Jinping (4th L, front) poses for a group photo before attending a summit with 11 Latin American and Caribbean leaders in Brasilia, Brazil, July 17, 2014. [Photo by Xie Huanchi/Xinhua]

In the afternoon of July 17, 2014, China-Latin America and the Caribbean Summit was held in Brasilia. The Summit was proposed by China. President Xi Jinping of China, President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil, President Luis Guillermo Solís of Costa Rica, President of the Council of State and President of the Council of Ministers Raúl Castro of Cuba, President Rafael Correa of Ecuador, President Dési Bouterse of Surinam, President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia, President Michelle Bachelet of Chile, President Donald Ramotar of Guyana, President José Mujica of Uruguay, President Nicolás Maduro of Venezuela, Prime Minister Gaston Browne of Antigua and Barbuda and others were present.

Before the Summit, Xi Jinping and Rousseff jointly welcomed the leaders and representatives of the Latin American and Caribbean countries attending the Summit, shook hands one by one and posed for group photos with them.

Xi Jinping and the leaders of other countries renewed friendship, sought common development and discussed cooperation in a sincere, friendly and practical atmosphere around the theme of "equality, mutual benefit, win-win cooperation and common development", agreeing to establish the China-Latin America comprehensive cooperative partnership of equality, mutual benefit and common development, and jointly announced the establishment of the Forum of China and Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech entitled "Striving to Build a Hand-in-Hand Community of Common Destiny", announcing China's proposals and measures on promoting China-Latin America cooperation, proposing to build up a Five-in-One new pattern of China-Latin America relations: sincerely trust each other in politics, cooperate with each other for a win-win outcome in economy and trade, learn from each other in people-to-people and cultural exchanges, closely cooperate with each other in international affairs, and promote each other in overall cooperation and bilateral relations, so as to forge a hand-in-hand community of common destiny.

Xi Jinping stressed that Chinese and Latin American leaders gathering together and jointly discussing development plans for China-Latin America relations is a historical event of global influence. China proposes to hold China-Latin America and the Caribbean Summit, aiming to strengthen dialogues and build consensuses, and from the highest level push China-Latin America relations to move forward at a higher level. This not only serves the practical and long-term interests of both sides, but also is conducive to the South-South cooperation.

Xi Jinping pointed out that being in the best historical period and standing at a new historical starting point, China-Latin America relations have reasons to realize bigger development. I propose to jointly announce the establishment of the China-Latin America comprehensive cooperative partnership of equality, mutual benefit, and common development through this Summit.

First, adhere to equal treatment and always help each other sincerely. China and Latin American countries should firmly support each other in taking the development path that conforms to its own national conditions, strengthen the exchanges of the experience on governance and administration of state affairs, deepen strategic mutual trust and continuously understand and support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests and major concerns. China supports Latin American countries in promoting regional integrity and playing a greater role in regional and international affairs.

Second, adhere to mutually beneficial cooperation and promote common development. China proposes to jointly build a new "1+3+6" cooperation framework. "1" means "one plan", referring to the establishment of the China-Latin American Countries and Caribbean States Cooperation Plan (2015-2019) with the aim of achieving inclusive growth and sustainable development. "3" means "three engines", referring to promoting the comprehensive development of China-Latin America practical cooperation with trade, investment and financial cooperation as the impetus, striving to promote China-Latin America trade to scale up to 500 billion USD and the investment stock to Latin America up to 250 billion USD within ten years and promote the expansion of local currency settlement and currency swap in bilateral trade. "6" means "six fields", referring to boosting China-Latin America industry connection with energy and resources, infrastructure construction, agriculture, manufacturing, scientific and technological innovation, and information technologies as cooperation priorities. China will formally implement the 10-billion-USD special loans for Chinese-Latin American infrastructure and will, on this basis, further raise the credit limit for special loans to 20 billion USD. China will also provide 10 billion USD of concessional loans for Latin American and Caribbean countries, and comprehensively launch the China-Latin America Cooperation Fund with a commitment to invest 5 billion USD. China will officially implement 50 million USD of special fund for China-Latin America agricultural cooperation, establish China-Latin America Scientific and Technological Partnership Program and China-Latin America Young Scientists Exchange Program, and hold the first China-Latin America Scientific and Technological Innovation Forum in due time.

Third, adhere to communication and mutual learning and consolidate the ever-lasting friendship. China is willing to strengthen the contacts with Latin American countries in the aspects of governments, legislative bodies, political parties and regions, and to enhance exchanges and cooperation in such fields as education, culture, sports, press and tourism. Over the following 5 years, China will provide Latin American and Caribbean countries with 6,000 government scholarships, 6,000 training offers in China and 400 positions of in-house studying for Master's degree. China will also invite 1,000 party leaders from Latin American and Caribbean countries to visit China and launch the "Future Bridge" Training Program for One Thousand Chinese and Latin American Youth Leaders in 2015. China proposes to hold China-Latin America Cultural Exchange Year in 2016.

Fourth, adhere to international cooperation and safeguard common rights and interests. China is willing to work with Latin America to strengthen communication and cooperation with regard to various global issues and hotspot issues such as global governance, sustainable development, coping with climate change and network security, and enhance dialogues and cooperation on Asia-Pacific and Latin American affairs within the frameworks of international organizations and multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations (UN), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Group of 20 (G20) and the Group of 77 (G77).

Fifth, adhere to overall cooperation and boost the bilateral relations. Through this Summit, we will jointly announce the official establishment of the China-CELAC Forum and will hold the first ministerial conference of the Forum in Beijing at an early date. China is willing to make use of this platform with Latin America to carry out collective dialogues, improve the cooperation level and promote common development. China is willing to conduct dialogue and cooperation with Latin American and Caribbean regional and sub-regional organizations within the framework of the Forum.

Lastly, Xi Jinping pointed out that currently the Chinese people are striving to achieve the "Chinese Dream" of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, while the peoples of Latin American and Caribbean countries are also struggling for the "Latin American Dream" of realizing solidarity, cooperation, development and revitalization. The common dreams and shared pursuit closely connect China and Latin America. Let's seize the opportunity, forge ahead, and try hard to build a hand-in-hand community of common destiny, so as to create a splendid future for China-Latin America relations.

Leaders of Latin American and Caribbean countries said that today, we gather together in the spirit of solidarity and cooperation and jointly charter the course for future cooperation, opening up a new chapter of Latin America-China relations and South-South cooperation. Latin America and China enjoy traditional friendly relations, and the bilateral cooperation with equality and mutual benefits has great potential. China is an important cooperative partner of Latin American and Caribbean countries. China's development is an important opportunity for Latin American and Caribbean countries. With abundant natural and human resources, Latin American and Caribbean countries are promoting reforms and development, hoping to learn from China's successful experience to promote common and sustainable development. Latin American and Caribbean countries highly appreciate President Xi Jinping's important proposals and measures on strengthening cooperation between Latin American and Caribbean countries and China, and support the establishment of the CELAC-China Forum. The two sides should strengthen policy coordination and industrial connection, expand the scale of trade and investment, enhance cooperation in fields such as energy and mineral products, infrastructure construction, science and technology, and finance, so as to improve the economic competitiveness. Latin America welcomes investment from Chinese enterprises, and is willing to strengthen exchanges with China in fields such as people-to-people and cultural engagement, education, and personnel training. The two sides should strengthen dialogues and cooperation, jointly promote democratization of international relations, and promote the establishment of a more just and reasonable international economic and financial order.

President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil chaired the Summit. She finally noted that the success of this Summit is of vital historic significance. She extended her thanks to President Xi Jinping for putting forward a series of important proposals and measures. Latin American and Caribbean countries will make joint efforts with China to well implement these proposals and effectively build the CELAC-China Forum to achieve common development and prosperity.

President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico was unable to attend the Summit due to the schedule conflict. He sent a special letter to President Xi Jinping and a special envoy to the Summit. In his letter, he wishes the Summit a success, firmly supports the establishment of the CELAC-China Forum, and believes that the Forum will become a key platform for promoting Latin America-China dialogues and cooperation.

After the Summit, China and Latin America issued together the "Joint Statement on China-Latin America and the Caribbean Summit in Brasilia".


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