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China's DiDi provides special programs to help Mexico fight COVID-19

Source: Xinhua | 2020-04-27

MEXICO CITY, April 25 (Xinhua) -- In recent weeks, Chinese ride-hailing platform DiDi Chuxing has launched a series of support programs in Mexico to help combat COVID-19.

Nearly 500 cars, installed with plastic sanitary barriers and routinely disinfected, cruise here every day in the capital city, as part of a so-called DiDi "Drivers Club."

Drivers are also provided with face masks and disinfection liquid, and their temperatures are monitored.

The support programs are meant "to protect drivers and all passengers, as well as to help, in general, in these times that are difficult for everyone," said Jordi Cueto, DiDi Mexico's PR manager.

"We evaluate the situation in the country every week," Cueto said, adding that the support program covers at least 2,000 cars operating nationwide.

DiDi Mexico has also launched a special program called "DiDi Hero," which shares coupons and food offers with the nation's "tireless" healthcare personnel.

The company has also created another program where drivers can "voluntarily" offer transportation to workers in the health sector.

Drivers who choose to participate will not be charged a service fee by DiDi and will be able to serve DiDi Hero trips during peak periods, Cueto explained.

"What we want in Mexico and in the other countries of the region where we operate is to promote staying at home for those who can; but for those who have to go out, to provide for their safety and hygiene. We want contagion to be diminished, reduced, and we can support this by taking care of the health of all people," Cueto said.

Since March 30, DiDi has been providing financial support to drivers and passengers over the age of 65 so that they can stay home, as asked by health authorities.

In Mexico, over 1,000 COVID-19-related deaths and more than 12,000 confirmed cases have been reported.

As the world's leading mobile transportation platform, DiDi offers a full range of transportation options to more than 550 million users, including ride sharing, bike sharing, car rental, and food delivery, and provides 10 billion rides per year, its portal said.
