2022-09-16      Source: Xinhua

Xi meets with Mongolian President Khurelsukh

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Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh at Forumlar Majmuasi Complex in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Sept. 15, 2022. [Photo by Zhai Jianlan/Xinhua]

SAMARKAND, Uzbekistan, Sept. 15 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping met with his Mongolian counterpart, Ukhnaa Khurelsukh, at Forumlar Majmuasi Complex in Samarkand on Thursday afternoon.

Xi pointed out that China-Mongolia relations have maintained good momentum of growth, and exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields have achieved good results.

Relations with Mongolia has an important place in China's neighborhood diplomacy, he said, adding that China stands ready to work with the Mongolian side to carry forward traditional friendship and expand mutually beneficial cooperation in the spirit of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and take the China-Mongolia comprehensive strategic partnership to new heights.

Xi emphasized that the trend of the world is surging forward, that peace and development are the common aspirations of people of all countries, and that unilateralism, hegemony and the Cold War mentality will eventually be swept away by the trend of history.

China has always been committed to peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, and calls for building a community with a shared future for mankind, he said.

China and Mongolia need to continue to treat each other as friends, support each other and engage in win-win cooperation to set a shining example of relations between neighbors, Xi said.

The two countries, he said, need to strengthen strategic communication and policy coordination, uphold mutual respect for each other's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, respect the development paths independently chosen by the two peoples, firmly support each other's core interests and major concerns, and look after and consolidate the political foundation for the development of bilateral relations.

The Chinese side is ready to work with the Mongolian side to strengthen the exchange of experience on governance, synergize the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the "Prairie Road" initiative, promote the development of the China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor, implement the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and the Global Security Initiative (GSI), and support Mongolia in achieving better and faster development, he said, adding that China supports Mongolia's "Planting One Billion Trees" plan and is ready to carry out cooperation projects with Mongolia in combating desertification.

Khurelsukh said the traditional friendliness between Mongolia and China is increasingly solidified and that the comprehensive strategic partnership is indeed a fine example for state-to-state relations. Mongolia thanks China for offering COVID-19 assistance, which made important contributions to the health of Mongolian people.

Issues related to Taiwan, Xinjiang, Tibet and so on are China's internal affairs, he said, stressing Mongolia staunchly abides by the one-China policy and firmly opposes the interference in China's internal affairs by any country.

Mongolia highly commends China's important contributions to safeguarding world peace and security, and supports the BRI, the GDI and the GSI put forward by China, he said, adding that Mongolia is ready to build stronger synergy between the two countries' development strategies, and enhance bilateral practical cooperation in various fields such as economy and trade, railway and environment.

Great achievements have been made in the building of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and Mongolia is happy for China, he said.

Khurelsukh wished the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China a full success, and expressed conviction that under the strong leadership of President Xi, China will surely realize the grand goal of building China into a modern socialist country in all respects.

Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, Wang Yi, He Lifeng and other officials attended the meeting.

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Mongolian President Ukhnaa Khurelsukh at Forumlar Majmuasi Complex in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Sept. 15, 2022. [Photo by Zhai Jianlan/Xinhua]